Wednesday, December 21, 2011
First Purchase

Friday, December 16, 2011
Christmas Past, Present & Future
2 Corinthians 9:15 (KJV) Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
This year as I carry a little one with me as we go off to spend Christmas with family I can't help but relate a little more with Mary and the story of Christ's birth. Only we're not traveling by donkey, I still still have a little until I give birth, and I don't think this baby will be born in a barn (at least here's hoping!). However, I do hope to feel this little one for the first time over Christmas and that will possibly be the best Christmas gift I have ever received!
I have always loved the season of Christmas. My family made it a joyous time filled with love and family traditions. I am excited to share that with our baby. Justin is not a big Christmas fan, as hard as I try. He's not Scrooge, but he's no Bob Cratchit either. So baby if you only knew the plans I have for you! You are going to love Christmas!
I am so excited to spend our first Christmas together as a family and my hopes and dreams for you are just as any Mom's are...I imagine even Mary's.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Some things worth remembering...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
10 Weeks & Counting...
BUT there have been lots of good things that have happened in the last 6 weeks as well! I have been able to see the baby twice and one time I swear I saw a little wave. Of course I waved back. I think I am getting past the "morning sickness" stage, which was really an "all day" car sickness feeling. Just as I'm writing this, I'm feeling a little nauseous. :o) I feel little twinges or pinches, which I am told is everything stretching and getting ready for the baby to get bigger. Today my tailbone is killing me. Not sure what that is about, but hopefully it's not a sign of what's to come the next 30 weeks!
I can tell that Justin is getting more and more excited. Every once in awhile he'll kiss my belly goodbye in the mornings. And I like to tell him fun little facts like, "our baby has nipples now." :o)
Everyone is excited to meet this little one and I am looking forward to my next appointment, so that we can finally start telling people!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Worth the Wait
I still don't understand why I was asked to wait so long, but I know that the baby growing inside me is worth the wait!
Saturday morning I got up early because I had to proctor the ACT at Justin's school. I took a pregnancy test and started putting on my make-up. I took it because I didn't want to feel like I was waiting all weekend to see if I started or not. It was more a method of controlling my anxiety than really seeing if I was pregnant. Then I looked down and it said I was pregnant. I was completely stunned to say the least.
Then I was thinking, "Shoot! Justin had wanted to be a part of this." He was still sleeping in the other room, not knowing his life was about to change. I debated whether I should fess up to taking a test without him or pretend like I hadn't. In the end I was too excited to wait, so I woke him up, at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, to tell him he was going to be a Dad! Needless to say he was excited!
I went to the school and I had four hours to get lost in my own excitement, thoughts, and dreams. Then I took another test just to be sure. You can never see that positive test too many times, right? All day I felt nauseous, but I'm pretty sure it was all in my head. Because I have felt fine since then. :o)
Yesterday I found out I had to go take a blood test. I immediately got nervous, like I was taking the SAT and I wasn't going to pass or something. So I took another home test, just to make sure. (Like I said, you can't see it too many times.) I passed the home test and the blood test with excellant numbers...whatever that means.
I haven't stopped thanking the Lord since, but I should also thank my family & friends who supported me. We aren't telling people yet, because I know that I am at a higher risk for miscarrying. So I'll just keep believing in a healthy pregnancy and praising the Lord for working miracles!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Patiently, Impatiently Waiting
We serve a God of possibilities, there's always a chance. Genesis 30:22
It brought me that last bit of hope that I needed to keep believing.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Movie Moments
A few months a go I was watching Baby Mama with Tina Fey. There is a scene at the beginning where she is taking a pregnancy test after Invitro. The test is negative, but when she goes to the mirror you see sticky notes that say, "Maybe next month!" or , "Think Fertile!" I thought that part was pretty funny.
Then this weeknd I was watching an old Sex & the City episode where Charlotte thought her dog was getting fat and found out that really she was pregnant. Charlotte freaks out and is completly undone because everyone around her is pregnant and the dog is pregnant "on her first time!" This sounded like a very familiar conversation (or conversations) I've had with Justin. Poor guy.
As the journey continues I'll appreciate these amusing moments more and "Think Fertile!"
Not Plan A or B...
This weekend we had our 3rd insemination appointment. The first time I had to go by myself and I was a lot more emotional that I had anticipated. It just seemed so foreign, unromantic, and unfair. It's just not the way I imagined my future child's moment of conception. I pretty much started crying if anyone said anything to me, even if they were asking me a question completely unrelated. The second time was better, Justin was able to go with me.
The days that lead up to an insemination are very scheduled. Take medicine day 3-7, start using ovulation tests on day 10 until you ovulate, have sex every other day starting on day 12, on the morning that you test positive for ovulation call doctor to schedule insemination. On the morning of insemination Justin does the deed in a specimen cup and then I have to carry the cup under my shirt to keep the sperm warm. Take sperm to lab to be cleaned and have the bad ones taken out. Then they give you a test tube that you take to your appointment. Then you lay on the table (like for a PAP) and they open you up and insert a catheter inside where they release the sperm. Then they prop your butt up for about 10 minutes and you then you go on your merry way. The next two weeks drag on and then you know if it worked or not.
This time when I went to pick up the specimen cup the lady wanted a doctor to give me directions, I said that wasn't necessary we've done it before. I guess you could say we are professionals now, which in this case is not a good thing. I have been really trying to be more hopeful this time. I have a friend that did insemination 3 weeks ago and it worked for her the first time. But with being hopeful, comes consequences if it doesn't work. I will be overcome with grief for a day or two and then I'll put the wall back up, pick myself up and carry on. BUT hopefully it won't come to that!
After the insemination as the doctor was leaving I could tell Justin was about to say something and then thought better of it. After the doctor left Justin said he almost said, "thanks for knocking up my wife." There are funny moments and hopefully one day the whole thing will be a distant memory that is not so raw.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
But I have struggled with doing the one thing that should be so obvious and come so easy and that is prayer. I just didn't know what to pray for. I knew what I wanted, but if that wasn't God's will then I should pray for God's will to be done...but really I am afraid of God's will because I just want a baby. I want a little Justin/Kristina and I'm just not ready to let that go. Do I pray for peace? But with praying for peace does that mean I am giving up? Then I feel like there are so many more important things I could be praying for, such as a friend who's mother was diagnosed with cancer. Praying for a baby seems so trivial next to that. Needless to say I've just been at a loss for words. Also, along with my roller coaster of emotions (thanks in part to the situation and the medicine the doctor has me on) comes a rollercoaster of feelings towards God. I know that He is the only one who can help me and I do believe that, but sometimes I just feel mad, or sad, lonely, thankful, blessed, abandoned and those feelings just get in the way. I felt like I was being punished at first, now I just deal with feeling like I am in morning. Like I lost a loved one.
But this past weekend I think I finally found my answer about what to pray for and/or how to pray. In our church the lesson was on Mark 9:14-29. Mark 9:24 really spoke to me, "Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief." I believe that God can overcome my infertility, but my unbelief due to 9 months of charting, 6 months of Clomid, 2 inseminations, and countless friends getting pregnant the first month is getting in the way. So now I have my answer. I will be praying for God to help me overcome my unbelief.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Psalm 23 by Judith Booth
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
When someone tells me that they are pregnant I have a million different emotions all at once. of course I am happy for them, but I am also jealous and sad for myself and my situation.
That same week I recieved an email about "Waiting" from a dear friend who can relate to what I have been going through because she has been on this journey as well.
When God asks us to wait it's so easy to question your belief system. It causes you to give way to anger, doubt, to discouragement, envy & inactivity. Waiting presents you with a spiritual choice. Do I allow myself to questions God's goodness and grow bitter & weaker in faith or will I embrace the opportunity of faith that He is giving me?
This journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of not letting myself get my hopes up, because that disappointment is so much worse than regular disappointment. Sometimes I feel completely desperate and alone. Then other times I feel hope. Sometimes I cry and sometimes I try to remain positive. I never know when the next emotion is going to rush in, so when I have good days I really try to enjoy them.
I feel the only thing left now is to take it one step at a time and try not to picture my life one way or the other. I can only know what the next step is, not the whole journey. When I try to picture what will be 2 years out, I get overwhelmed & I worry about still not having a child to call min
In the meantime I will pray...and in the end this journey will probably be better than anything I could ever imagine.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
One day it will be my turn...
...to love on you
...to pick out your name
...to decorate your room
...to have a baby shower
...to buy you clothes & toys
...to watch you grow
...to hear you laugh
...to see a little bit of me and a little bit of Justin in you
...to teach you about Jesus
...to take a million pictures of you
...to pick you up when you cry
...to be your Mom.