Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Remember when you were pregnant and...

Yesterday Ashley and I were both off work on a random Tuesday. This is how the day was supposed to go...

Wake up. Do a little work from home. Relax. Eat lunch. Take dogs for long walk. Shower. Relax...etc.

This is how the day actually went...

Woke up. Worked for a couple hours. Started folding some laundry. Heard water over flowing somewhere in house. Panic mode sets in. Went to bathroom and this is what I saw...

Water pouring from ceiling.

Water standing on floor running down hallway.
Ran upstairs to see if owner was home. No one answered. Panicked some more. Called our owners, no answer at first. Panicked some more. Called our friend Doug to see what I should do (I didn't even know where to start.) He says to call fire department to knock down door. Before I did this our owner calls back and she calls the HOA. Called Ashley to come join in on the panicking. Start catching some water in trash can and pot. Panic, panic, panic. Deep breathe, deep breathe, deep breathe. Turn off power. An hour later the water is turned off and a plumber is on the way. In order to find leak plumber cuts hole in ceiling/ceiling falls in. And tada this is what we have for a bathroom ceiling...

Goodbye ceiling.
While this was going on poor Winston was looking at me with the same panicking eyes that I had (he is still stressed by all of this), while Ashley's dog Oliver thought it was great fun and splashed all around the bathroom. Wish I could have more that sort of attitude, but unfortunately this is my third time (yes, my third) having to deal with this sort of thing our here in CO and the land of HOA's. Needless to say there is quite the battle brewing between our owners and the HOA. Turns out a pipe broke in a foreclosed unit, so the HOA doesn't want to take ownership of the damage & apparently they think we should wait for the bank...the HOA is going to write a letter. So helpful!
So my Mom says one day we'll be like, "Remember when you were pregnant and the apartment flooded." And then we'll laugh about it. I'm not so sure I believe her... :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baby, these are your parents...

Seeing what going blond might look like and checking out some really cool glasses...

The astronaut...

I have no idea what is going on here...

...and of course your Auntie Ashley!

Where are my feet?

I can't see my feet anymore. Apparently chocolate (or almost everything) gives me indigestion. I wake up in the middle of the night with esophageal spasms, which feel like you are having a heart attack. I don't get to have that "pregnancy glow"...instead my face is breaking out. I wanted to go to the gym and swim, but my bathing suits don't fit. I tried a two piece on and I told Justin not to laugh. But of course he did. It's ok I understood. :o) He said he was expecting a one-piece...but baby doesn't like being squished into a one-piece. This weekend we went to Breckenridge and I couldn't do much of what everyone else was doing. Not even the hot see you don't want to "bake the baby." But...

...I am still so so so thankful to be the Mom of this baby and I will not take one day for granted! It's what I asked the Lord for over and over again! Every time I feel a kick I am reminded of that! So I guess these are just the perks of being pregnant.

Since it's hard to bend over, I have people (aka Justin and Auntie Ashley) to put my shoes on for me. Guess I am a princess after all. Who needs a solid 7 hours of sleep anyway. (I can't really think of a positive reason for my face breaking out???) I get to get a new bathing suit. And instead of snowboarding or hot tubing in Breckenridge I painted pottery and ate yummy delicious crepes from the crepe stand. And I know baby liked the crepes, because it hadn't moved much in the high altitude. But it did when I was eating that yummy delicious strawberry, banana, nutella crepe!

18ish weeks to go!

My pottery masterpiece.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

4:30 AM

You see I have this internal clock now that tells me that I only have 2 more hours to sleep and I'm about to lose at least 30 minutes of that...sigh. There's this wiggle worm in me that wakes me up every night (at least for the last 2 weeks when I could actually feel it) and it's always at 4:30 AM.

This is usually how it goes...wake up, go to the bathroom (surprise surprise), lay back down, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, kick, kick, kick...oh it must be 4:30, check clock (it is), wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, feel a few kicks with my hand, smile, and fall back to sleep.

I'm curious to see how this goes as the baby gets bigger and its kicks and wiggles are more strong. Maybe baby will discover 6:30 AM instead of 4:30 AM...just a thought!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

There really is a baby in there...

I've been feeling things in my belly for awhile now. But I had a hard time deciding whether it was the baby moving or ligaments stretching. But finally on Monday just before our Ultrasound on Wednesday I felt what I thought for sure was the baby! We've moved past flutters and we're on to definite kicks and punches.

On Tuesday morning I finally thought to put my hand on my tummy and I felt a kick almost right away. When it gets going it really gets going. Of course I had a huge smile on my face the rest of the day!

Justin had a huge dose of baby reality yesterday! He got to see the ultrasound and then last night as we were watching a Denver Nuggets basketball game I felt the baby to to kick. So I took his hand and placed it on my belly and then again almost right away he felt the kick. I said, "Did you feel it?" and I could tell he did because he had a huge grin on his face too! Yay for baby kicks!

Is it a Boy or Girl???

We have no idea!
We've made it to 20 weeks and that is further than I thought I might ever get a year ago. It was a year to the day that we went for our first infertility doctor appointment. I wish the Lord would have whispered to me just wait a year and you'll be 20 weeks into your first pregnancy. That would have saved me from lots of tears. Of course mayb he did tell me that in the form of my patient trusting husband...I just chose to impatiently patiently wait instead.
Back to the was so amazing! And I had a tears. But I don't think anyone saw. I loved seeing our little one. He/she was looking right at us at one point and it was the coolest most special (I don't even know the words to use) thing in the world.
Both Justin and Auntie Ashley were there. We decided to not find out what we are having. Which people either think is the coolest thing ever or completly absurd. Of course during the Ultrasound Ashley was trying to figure out on her own to report back to Mom. She said in one picture she thought one gender and in the other a different gender, so good job Baby for keeping it a surprise!
In the previous Ultrasound the baby was hanging out upside down. In this Ultrasound it was still an acrobat and was lying down with it's legs back over it's head, like in a u-shape. Pretty cute if you ask me, but of course I am biased!
Here's a couple pictures...



Baby Shower

While we were in CA we had our first baby shower thrown by Justin's Mom. It was a small shower with just family, but I really appreciated every one's excitement and willingness to "shower" us with gifts! And to top it off the cake was delicious!

Last Christmas as a Family of 2!

This year we were in California for Christmas/New Years. We had a great time visiting with family. I managed to go for a run 4 mornings while we were there, which I really enjoyed and wish I could do more often in Denver. We spent a couple days in Reno, NV and we even made it up to Lake Tahoe for an afternoon.
For Christmas Justin's parents gave us a jogging stroller ( a BOB) and my parents gave us money to use to buy nursery furniture when we find something we like & can afford. Both are blessings to us!
On the Saturday before we left we spent about 4 hours going through baby /childhood pictures of Justin. It was so fun to see some different sides of Justin and many of the same in those pictures. There was one of him at about 5 years old playing video games with his eyes glued to the TV...guess some things never change!
An over all fantastic visit!
These pictures are Justin when he was a it could be what a Baby Boggus Boy could look like...