For at least a couple months now I have been telling Justin we needed to figure it out one weekend. Then the weekend comes and goes and we are having too much fun doing other things (nothing baby related, so totally unproductive overall). So this was finally THE weekend! Prior to going to Babies R Us this weekend I have spent countless hours on the BOB website trying to figure out what we have and then countless more hours on the Babies R US website trying to figure out chich adapter works and for which car seat. I also spent time on the REI website because the two websites crondradict eachother. In the end, I just assumed we had an older version because we knew his parents got it at a good price and we'd figure it out once we made in into the store. (In my defense, I never actually saw the stroller prior to Saturday. Justin picked it up from REI and we took it right to storage.)
So we head to Babies R Us. We walk to the stroller area I see an adapter, so Justin just picks it up and heads off to pay for it. I knew this was not the right adapter because I had spent enough time looking at it online to know what it should look like. But he shows me where it says Bob adapter and insists that this is it. That's when I got teary eyed because he wouldn't listen to me. Now in his defense, this was most likely because 1. I was hungry 2. I was thirsty 3. I am 8 months pregnant 4. who knows just happens sometimes.
So we buy the adapter and I buy a snack and a drink. Good thing they have food in there! We head off to go try the adapter on the BOB and it doesn't fit. At that point I think he's starting to understand my frustrations. And I did really good because I didn't say "I told you so." But I was thinking it! Then we were trying to decide whether to give up all together on the BOB and just get a stroller that comes with a carseat and use our friends jogger that they offered to give us for free.
We had friends coming over for dinner Saturday night, so this would just have to be continued on Sunday. Plus if we kept at it much longer we might have ended up in an argument or I would have started crying again. In my defense (after a 3 mile walk that morning) I was tired and frustrated and I had been trying to figure this out forever! I was soooo over it!
On Sunday we decide to head over to REI. Maybe they can help us! We're both feeling more rested and less aggitated, so we're bound to be more productive than on Saturday! We walk to the stroller area and we're looking around. And Justin says, "I know why it didn't work. We don't have a BOB." I looked closer and he was right! We have a "Baby Jogger". Right then and there relief washed over me! Finally it made sense! I wasn't an idiot afterall! Justin wanted to keep the Baby Jogger and just get the right attachment. But I really wanted a BOB and nothing else was going to do, my heart was set on it. Hence the tears the day before. After all I will be the one jogging with it.
So then this light bulb went off in our minds. We just got our REI points in the mail and we had $110 to spend at REI. Now that should tell you how much time my husband spends at REI. (It doesn't help that its right across the street! At first I thought we got all of that from him buying jackets...its his new thing this year. But then we remembered that we bought some backpacking gear, but I'm not sure how we got that much money in points. Anyway...) And we have a 20% coupon to use too. So I got my BOB! And we only had to pay an additional $20! Finally we had it figured out!
I do have to exchange the carseat that my friends got me for one a little smaller. But that's easy to do and finally I can check this off my list!
This weekend we also bought the nursery furniture. We got the crib from one place, but they didn't have the dresser. So we were going to have to track it down somewhere else. Which probably played into the extra frustrations on Saturday. On Sunday we checked at Babies R Us while we were there returning the adapter that wouldn't work and I found out they have some in their warehouse. So we should have the dresser in about 2 weeks!
We're making progress...slowly but surely!
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The Crib |
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The Dresser |
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The BOB! |
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