Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Favorite Things at 3 Months!

Little Miss Riley has so much personality. These are a few of her favorite things at 3 months! Wow, the last 3 months flew by!

She still likes pink, so people don't have to ask Mom if she's a girl or a boy.

She likes highways where I don't have to stop the car. I just have to hope that I don't hit traffic! Fast is Good, Stopping is Bad!!!! I've been known to run quite a few yellow lights and I take curves faster than I used to...she likes it.

When she is in her stroller she likes it fast and bumpy as well. So I'm sometimes forced to run when I would rather be taking a leisurely stroll. Or I have to go off road to make it more bumpy and exciting. She likes going to the dog park where there's lots of gravel and its extra bumpy!

She likes white noise when sleeping. (At least I think she does...I guess it could be totally annoying, but she can't tell me different.)

Until recently she liked to be swaddled. It used to always calm her down. But now my strong girl is breaking out whenever she can. So we're trying to get her used to not being swaddled.

Snug as a bug!
She likes to sleep at night only. She used to nap well during the day too, but now she doesn't. We're trying to correct this by letting her cry when she wakes up after just 30 minutes. But she is a persistent little booger and has not gone back to sleep yet.

She likes to eat, but apparently has her Dads metabolism. She's 12 weeks and still under 10 pounds. Some babies come out as big as she is!

She likes Winston. Well she likes to look at him. He is still not so sure about her. He mostly ignores her and when she is crying he looks at me like, "Can't you do something about this?" he likes her blankets and thinks they should be his. Usually if I lay her down beside him, he'll get up and move. But on this day he stayed put.

Riley learns to share.
She is a great kicker. We put ankle rattles on her and she will just kick and kick. She has the biggest smile on her face when she's kicking.. 

She loves bath time. She loves to kick in the water and she has loved having her head scrubbed since the moment they first washed it in the hospital. It will always calm her down. I've also started rubbing her head a few times when I put her down to sleep if she's crying.

See she liked it from the beginning.
She likes to suck. It used to be the paci or dad's finger. Sometimes she would need a little assistance. But now she has discovered her own fingers and they are always in her mouth. I think this plays into not wanting to be swaddled anymore.

Mom, a little help please...
She loves her gym. At first I think she liked the animals googly eyes. But now she likes to bat at and kick the toys that make noise. She plays with this every day, but she doesn't seem to get tired of it.
Kick, kick, kick!
She still likes attention and she still uses that pouty lip to get attention. I think she got that from me. :)

And, of course she likes Mom & Dad! She never cries when we're holding her...that's how much she loves us! ;)

A few things she's not so sure about...

Books. I think they are a little over stimulating for her right now. We'll keep working on this.

Her Momaroo swing. I don't think it goes fast enough for my adrenaline junkie!

Tummy Time. Of course I've been assured that no baby likes tummy time.

1 comment:

  1. We've been working on naps for 2 years now with Siahna and still can't get past 40 minutes most days. I feel your pain!!! She's adorable and I can't believe she's 3 months already!
