Monday, April 2, 2012

A Full Baby Weekend

This weekend we had our hospital tours! I scheduled them on the same day, so they would be easier to compare. The first stop was St. Joes in downtown Denver. I'm not really sure what I think about this hospital. We found ourselves a little confused because the tour guide was very soft spoken and would start talking before we all caught up to her, so I would miss half of what she was saying. But I did see the labor & delivery area and the recovery area, so I guess that is what I came for. St. Joes is a little older, but it has everything we would need and is in walking distance for Justin to some restaurants and a Starbucks. I'm not really sure what else it has, because I couldn't hear! The recovery area has a double bed, so Justin can sleep there too and they room in with the baby.

The next stop was Sky Ridge by Highlands Ranch. This hospital would be closer to our house. It is a smaller hospital, but still has a NICU and everything we might possibly need, but hope we don't! It is a newer hospital and a little easier to get to and find your way around in. Again we saw the labor & delivery area and the recovery area. This one had a single bed, but a futon for Justin. They also allow you to room in with the baby, but also have a nursery if you need to get some sleep or shower. But their are no restaurants within walking distance. However, everything was a little nicer than St. Joes because it is newer.

At the end of the day we were leaning towards Sky Ridge, but everyone keeps telling us how great St. Joes is. So I guess at this point I need to find someone who has delivered at Sky Ridge to see what they think of the experience there. It's kind of an important decision, but I don't really have anything but the aesthetics if the two to base my decision on.

Any one know anything about either one?

Then on Sunday we kept the nursery for the first time at our church. We decided that if we are going to have a baby in that nursery then we should volunteer once a month to keep it.

I couldn't help but day dream about our little baby being in there. Then I was trying to day dream about whether it is a boy or a girl and I was imagining walking in and saying, "This is..." I can't fill in the blank yet, because we haven't decided on a name. I'm pretty sure this baby will come into the world without a name and then we'll have to kick everyone out of the labor and delivery room, while we decide. It's another big decision after all!

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